Amy Halperin

Four Timeless OnBase Best Practices for maximizing your ECM solution.

Four Timeless OnBase Best Practices

Four Timeless OnBase Best Practices Many best practices for OnBase relate to all different portions of the software, including best practices for setting up and maintaining the database, scanning document batches, setting up Workflow and WorkView, and even creating disk groups, users, and user groups. However, four basic best practices stand out among the rest

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Geeking Out About Forms InMotion

Forms InMotion: Born in the Lab, Thriving in the World Today I’m geeking out about a KeyMark original: Forms InMotion. If you don’t already know about Forms InMotion, it’s an enterprise-level forms management tool that we developed to empower our customers to leverage paper-based forms online. Forms InMotion was born

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Basic OnBase Database Maintenance for SQL Server

There are as many different ways to use OnBase as there are customers who use it, but there are a few things every OnBase system has in common. The most basic, and the most critical, is the database. Your OnBase database is your backbone How your database functions will directly

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OnBase Scanning Clients – What’s Right for You?

Scanning documents into OnBase is one of the most common methods for archiving. OnBase provides multiple options for Scanning operations: OnBase Client Unity Web Client Disconnected Scanning Express Scanning Front Office Scanning How do you know which Scanning Client is right for you? Here’s a guide to help you decide

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OnBase Best Practices, Part 2

Last week, we introduced Part 1 of our list of the most important OnBase Best Practices. We know we left you hanging with only two of the four, but now that you’ve had time to dive in to your system and take steps towards training administrators and documenting processes, you’re

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The Hyland ECM platform helps your organization oversee, manage, and categorize its information over its entire lifecycle.

OnBase Best Practices, Part 1

There are a lot of OnBase Best Practices related to all different portions of the software. There are Best Practices for setting up and maintaining the Database; for scanning document batches; for setting up Workflow and Workview; even for creating Disk Groups, Users and User Groups. But there are 4

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OnBase Security Tips

We live in an age of internet connectivity, which perforce means we live in an age of internet attacks. The news is full of stories of security breaches and stolen information. Your OnBase solution contains important and often sensitive data, much of which may require strenuous security measures for compliance.

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6 Considerations Before Upgrading OnBase

OnBase is like a beautiful sports car – it’s fast, powerful and capable of taking you from point A to point B comfortably, securely and quickly. But even the finest sports car needs routine maintenance from time to time, and OnBase is no different. Without upgrading OnBase to the latest

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