Invoice Processing BPO Makes Your Organization More Efficient
It’s not surprising that accounts payable is often the first area that companies convert to paperless workflow. That’s because, if your approval and payment processes are slow, it’s likely to mean missed discounts or, worse, late payment penalties. When questions arise, just the simple act of accessing the documents you need can be cumbersome and time-consuming – not to mention all of the space required to store the documents within reach.
Invoice Data Capture
If you’re not fully satisfied with your accounts payable data capture, processing and automation processes, our business process team can work with you to develop an invoice capture procedure that’s tailored to meet your organization’s unique needs.
It all starts with streamlining your accounts payable process by imaging and converting incoming vendor invoices. Whether you receive invoices via mail, email, fax or all of the above, each invoice is digitized and uploaded to our digital system, eliminating the need for manual data entry and the human error often associated with it.
As each invoice is uploaded, it’s also indexed, empowering your team to perform quick searches for key information or retrieve digital documents at a moment’s notice. The result is real-time access to your entire accounts payables processes.
Invoice Processing
Our accounts payable BPO services extend well beyond data capture for invoices. We also provide complete invoice processing. Based on your organization’s accounts payable processing requirements, we can manage the entire process, from start to finish. Our invoice processing services includes receiving invoices, capturing data, extracting vendor information and handling exceptions. It’s all based on your organization’s unique requirements.
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BPO Overview
We created this helpful document to provide you with everything you need to know about our document processing service.

What is Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)?
Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is AI powered document capture blending OCR, NLP, and ML to classify and index unstructured data.

10 Ways KeyMark Helps Customers
Wow, it has been an exciting year for KeyMark and our customers! With growth comes change, and change often brings new relationships, roles and responsibilities. We wanted to take a moment to make sure all of our customers know that we are here for you, so we wrote a blog

How CloudCapture Uses OCR to Automate
OCR and CloudCapture BPO Work Very Well Together One way you can use KeyMark’s CloudCapture BPO solution is via cloud-based optical character recognition (OCR). Joining these two automation technologies together allows you to automate high-volume document processing, classification, and data extraction, so your team can focus on more important things:
See How Much Money You Can Save With Outsourcing
When every dollar counts, every decision matters. Reach out today to learn how our CloudCapture service can provide peace of mind, save you time, and put money back in your pocket!