Automation improves hiring and onboarding at the grocery store

After inheriting outdated files and paperwork, a regional grocery store automates 90% of hiring processes — saving 3,115 hours and $53K in labor costs.

Shopping for a Solution

Supermarkets are super hirers, providing jobs for people of all ages and skillsets. Imagine then the chaos and paperwork involved when two supermarkets merge into one. 

One modern Southeast regional supermarket experienced this chaos first-hand when merging systems with a much older, paper-driven supermarket. Here’s what happened. 

The problem: Acquiring out-dated processes

Following a merger that resulted in acquiring over 72,000 employees, a large regional grocery store was struggling with the resulting document management inefficiencies. The merging company, a smaller chain grocer, relied entirely on paper records, while the regional store had only just begun digitizing HR documents.  

As a result, employees were tasked with manually searching through warehouses of boxes, which led to errors, compliance risks, and wasted time. The HR team, in particular, was overwhelmed by manual processes that slowed down critical tasks such as hiring, onboarding, and policy delivery.

The solution: Supporting HR with automation

To address these challenges, the regional supermarket sought an automated Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution, and a partner to help manage the implementation, training, and ongoing support. KeyMark stepped in, bringing OnBase Content Services to the table.  

The first step involved consolidating records from the many legacy systems into the unified OnBase solution, streamlining document storage and retrieval. This process worked in several stages: 

Results: HR shortens the timeline from applicant to employee

By automating hiring processes and eliminating manual data entry, the regional store achieved monumental operational improvements, including:

Hiring efficiency reached its highest level in a decade, enabling the HR team to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine paperwork. 

Additionally, the automation resulted in improved employee satisfaction, as team members could now work on tasks requiring higher-level thinking and collaboration. This shift not only streamlined operations but also contributed to a more engaged and motivated workforce. 

Reinforce your HR department with partnership

With nearly three decades in the intelligent automation industry, KeyMark has helped numerous HR-teams automate their the priority processes.

Reach out to our knowledgeable team and learn how capture, content services, and RPA could help human resources and beyond!

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