What's the objective of government automation?
Eliminate data silos and revive analog processes and information from antiquated systems.
Keep pace with ever-evolving citizen and staff expectations and boost public opinion.
Streamline process management and create repeatable formulas of success.
Creative & Innovative Solutions
With a trusted partner like KeyMark, implementing automation into your business has never been more easy or effective.
Forms & Document Automation
Forms & Document Automation
Automated Workflow
Automated Workflow
Government Records Management
Government Records Management
Rapid Application Development
Rapid Application Development
Robotic Process Automation
Robotic Process Automation
Every level of the public sector benefits from government automation
State Government
Fulfill state requirements to digitize documents and other forms of content and speed document retrieval and accessibility in highly secure and centralized storage.

Local Government
Provide systems that are easy to use and train, boosting local employee retention. Get up to speed with centralized and available solutions available through state programs.

County Government
Empower your county agency to effectively handle content management while integrating with familiar systems for tax collection, assessments, and beyond. Find the right solution for your county’s process problems.

And any process
- Administration
- Budget
- Children & Youth
- Corrections
- Education
- Emergency Management
- Employment
- Environmental Protection
- Forestry
- Health Human Services (HHS)
- Housing
- Information Technology
- Juvenile Justice
- Motor Vehicles
- Natural Resources
- Parks and Recreation
- Police and Public Safety
- Probation and Parole
- Retirement
- System Revenue and Taxation
- Transportation/Turnpike
- Treasury & Financial Institution
- Workers Compensation
Experts in Government Automation Software
Can't find your process? Not to worry!
With over 25+ years of government automation, we can help you problem-solve any process problem. Let’s get in touch to start a conversation.

Introducing the HR Accelerator
We’re always noodling over the best ways to improve process efficiency.
The HR Forms Accelerator was built in collaboration with SC state agencies to automate the most used forms, including Personnel Action Requests, Position Descriptions, and Employee Performance Management. Consider what custom tools we can build with you.

Why Partner with KeyMark?
Years of Expertise
CUSTOMER SaTisfaction Score
Net Promoter Score
Implementation, Training, Support
Don't just take our word for it...

Keep reading and learning!

eBook – Automating State Government
Modernize state agency processes and boost productivity with OnBase’s AI-enabled content services platform. Improve access to data and documents, reduce paperwork storage, expedite turnaround times, improve constituent experience, and more.

Cutting Through the Jargon: Simplifying Automation Technology for Government
Understand common buzzwords like workflow and rapid application development (or case management), and learn how these helpful aids improve state operation efficiency.