Registered Pennsylvania COSTARS Statewide Supplier
KeyMark is a registered government IT supplier for software, hardware and professional services for the PA COSTARS cooperative purchasing program. As a registered supplier, procurements from KeyMark meet the state purchasing requirements and simplifies the purchasing process.
Benefits of PA COSTARS
- COSTARS contracts meet the competitive bid requirement for Pennsylvania
- Eliminates the time and expense of an RFP bidding process
- Guaranteed pricing for products and services
- Purchasing only requires issuing a P.O. to COSTARS supplier
KeyMark Solutions are a Great Fit for Pennsylvania Agencies:
- Administration
- Aging
- Agriculture
- Auditor
- Banking
- Budget
- Children and Youth
- Civil Service
- Commerce
- Comptroller
- Conservation
- Consumer Affairs
- Corrections
- Courts
- Economic Development
- Education
- Emergency Management
- Employment
- Energy
- Environmental Protection
- Forestry
- Gaming Control
- General Services
- Governor
- Health
- Housing
- Human Services
- Human Resources
- Insurance
- Information Technology
- Juvenile
- Justice
- Labor and Industry
- Licensing
Read Pennsylvania Case Studies:
Government Pages

CPCMS Data + Case Management + Docket Documents
Developed by the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC), the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Common Pleas Case Management System (CPCMS) is a comprehensive, statewide system of criminal case records. CPCMS allows counties to access the full breadth of court docket information for the entire state. The challenge for most counties is filtering out just the docket data that they need to process within their system.