Intelligent Document Processing

Process More Data in Less Time

What is Intelligent Document Processing?

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is an enhancement of document capture powered by artificial intelligence (AI). It combines OCR, NLP, and ML to improve data extraction from unstructured and semi-structured sources. IDP utilizes unlocked data to improve document classification, indexing, and understanding.

Intelligent Document Processing Features

Optical character recognition

Improved OCR understands and learns new ways to capture data byleveraging context and past training.


IDP extracts data from previously untapped unstructured sources, including multimedia files, social media content, unstructured web pages, analytical data, and more.

Data Seperation & Classification

A multitude of classification strategies helps IDP properly identify document type and classifies data in preferred formats and structures.


Intelligent indexing labels data based on knowledge-base and machine learning.


Improved validation and continuous machine-learning verifies captured data with minimal exceptions.

Benefits of Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)

0 %

of organization data is unstructured.

Understand the impact of IDP and how we got here. Download the free infographic!

Intelligent Document Processing accelerates capture and minimizes time to value.

Find unstructured data with an IDP solution.

Start a conversation with Team KeyMark to find the IDP solution that grants you access to new stores of actionable data.

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