Hyland Intelligent Document Processing

Goodbye separator codes. Hello intelligent data capture.

What is Hyland Intelligent Document Processing?

Hyland Intelligent Document Processing (HIDP) captures important data from documents at ingestion points and separates, classifies, and labels the data, regardless of structure, with machine learning and context understanding. 

Once your documents and data are effectively captured, HIDP automatically pushes content to OnBase and relevant enterprise systems.

Repurpose your time. Save money.

HIDP capture technology overview

Typed, handwritten, checked boxes, and unstructured data –– Hyland’s Intelligent Document Processing software reads and interprets information utilizing a variety of key features and strategies: 

HIDP learns from user input and past experiences — only maintaining revisions that enhance results.

Why Leverage a Hyland Intelligent Document Processing solution from KeyMark?

KeyMark has seen the intelligent capture market change dramatically over the past three decades, and has grown and changed with it. Whether you’d like to process data with HIDP to integrate with OnBase, or are in need of a capture as a service solution, we’ve got your back through implementation, training, and support.


KeyMark ensures successful capture and OnBase integration by assigning a dedicated team to your project that understands your processing and content needs.


KeyMark educates you and your team by hosting monthly webinars with tips, tricks and more for your Hyland products.


KeyMark delivers unique business process analytics, providing you with metrics that measure success in real-time.


KeyMark offers support and maintenance plans that are designed to meet the specific needs of your organization, and help you get more out of your HIDP solution.


KeyMark’s professional services team can assist your organization by augmenting your staff, supporting your content long after it’s been captured with HIDP.

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Hyland content services and intelligent solutions.

2024 Hyland Partner of the Year + 2023 Platinum Partner + 2023 Diamond Support Partner


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175 years

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