James Angell

System Engineer II

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About James

Team Member Since 2023

Home Town: Olmsted Falls, Oh

Things you should know about James Angell:

  • I enjoy building Legos.
  • Plumbing and I don’t get along.
  • I have way to many cast iron pans according to my wife.

Q&A with James

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Adam Savage from Myth Busters. I enjoy learning how things work and how to fix them. His lifetime of experience is just so broad and vast I would love to just ask him questions all day.

If you could tell the next generation one thing, what would it be?

Try your best at what ever you do even if you don’t like it. Who knows you just might in the end.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

Transporting my kids to their next thing, reading, working in the yard, or working on some random project around the house.

If you could go anywhere, right now, for 5 days all expenses paid, where would it be?


If you had to get a brand tattooed on your arm, what would it be?

Star Trek

If you had to recommend one restaurant to everyone, what would it be?

Barrio in Cleveland. Great tacos!

At age 10, what did you want to be when you grew up?


If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be?

The fire pit in the backyard

If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be?


What’s the biggest life lesson you learned the hard way?

Measure twice cut once, applies to more than woodworking

If your future self could send a note to your current self, what would it say?

Don’t sell the Jeep

What is your go to Mario Kart character?
