Phil Crosby

Chief Financial Officer

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About Phil

Team Member Since 2022

Phil is originally from Michigan but moved to upstate SC at an early age and has been here for 35 years. He comes from a large family of seven children and ran two delis through his younger years. He started college early and received his B.S. degree from USC in business and accounting, then his M.B.A. from Charleston Southern. He has numerous certifications that have helped him throughout his career and spent a lot of his early career at IBM where he gained an enormous amount of knowledge. He also worked for DXC Technologies and Concentrix. His last position was at a healthcare facility helping those with addition problems and savings lives. He has three boys and a lovely wife to whom he will be married 21 years to in June. They live in a quiet lake area with their dog Max, where they enjoy grilling out, swimming, and being together as a family.

Hometown: Ann Arbor, Michigan

Things you should know about Phil:

  1. I ran a sub-5 min mile under the age of 9.
  2. I started college at age 15.
  3. I proposed to my wife when I was nine and have pictures of said proposal.

Q&A with Phil

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Jesus, I would want the chance to thank him.

What’s the most unusual item in your desk drawer?

A collection of love notes from my wife.

What is your favorite quote, and why?

Live today to the fullest because we are not promised tomorrow.

At age 10, what did you want to be when you grew up?


If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be?

The Golf Course.

If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be?


What’s the biggest life lesson you learned the hard way?

Don’t take anything for granted.

If your future self could send a note to your current self, what would it say?

Don’t waste your life chasing goals that will not leave a legacy.

If you could tell the next generation one thing, what would it be?

Go to school.