KeyMark Announces Partnership with Haystac Inc.

KeyMark, a leading intelligent automation provider and value-added reseller, announced its partnership with Haystac Inc., a leader in content analytics software, to bolster KeyMark’s solutions with intelligent document processing capabilities. Chief Operating Officer Cameron Boland made the announcement.

“We are very excited to add Haystac and their suite of AI-based tools to the KeyMark portfolio,” Boland said. “The classification and extraction performance we’re seeing, coupled with the greatly reduced effort needed for implementation and deployment, promise to fundamentally change the game when it comes to quickly realizing a solid ROI processing unstructured and semi-structured data."

KeyMark will leverage Haystac along with a growing portfolio of AI-enabled technology to fuel the organization’s proprietary CloudCapture technology, improving optical character recognition technology with IDP.

“Most people have caught the generative AI bug, and they’re trying to figure out what large language models are going to mean to their business,” Haystac co-founder Anthony Macciola said. “How best to monetize AI is a gigantic topic. Haystac has identified opportunities for novelty and innovation that differentiate us and enable us to make a material impact on an organization’s bottom line through the thoughtful application, integration, and customization of a wide variety of ongoing AI advancements.”

Haystac focuses on leveraging advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate time to value and lower the total cost of ownership of intelligent document processing (IDP) deployments. Empowered by Haystac, customers can transform unstructured content into actionable information with zero setup.

About Haystac

Haystac logo for content intelligence platform.Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, Haystac created the Haystac Content Analytics Platform, an AI-driven cloud solution using innovative deep learning and data science methods to produce superior results. Our engine helps customers to solve information management, security, privacy, and governance challenges across multiple business use cases. For more information, visit

About KeyMark

Since 1996, KeyMark has empowered businesses and government organizations to enhance productivity and reduce manual work through cutting-edge process automation technologies equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. KeyMark is the owner of FileHold Services ULC, CloudCapture, Forms InMotion, and KeyMark Cloud – AI-enabled solutions built on expertise to help organizations across industries and verticals master intelligent capture, document management, and resource management. KeyMark also provides award-winning implementation and lifetime support services for products built by best-in-class vendors, including Hyland Software, UiPath, ABBYY, Tungsten (formerly Kofax) and Blue Prism.

KeyMark is headquartered in Liberty, SC. For more information, call 864-343-0500.
