KeyMark Selected by Insurance Company to Implement Imaging Software

SeaBright Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SBX) has selected KeyMark Inc., to implement Kofax Capture and the OnBase Enterprise Content Management (ECM) suite across SeaBright Insurance Company’s claims and underwriting departments as well as into their back office and affiliate operations.

With KeyMark, SeaBright’s drive to improve efficiencies and lower administrative costs in its claims and underwriting process now extends to document handling. This project will roll out to approximately 350 users. SeaBright has focused on reducing per-unit operating expenses, and positioning the organization for more scalable growth with its use of ECM and Business Process Management (BPM). “By utilizing KeyMark to integrate Kofax and OnBase into our critical business processes in underwriting and claims, we are anticipating a significant return on investment and enhanced customer service associated with streamlining these paper-intensive processes,” said Skip Borland, Vice President, SeaBright Insurance Company.

“SeaBright’s approach to this project is truly exciting. Their organization took the time to prepare and understand the full breadth of ECM and BPM technology and what it could mean for them,” explained Ed McQuiston, Vice President, Sales, KeyMark Inc. “As a result, the project they are undertaking really will be a showcase of all the benefits of these technologies, from increased efficiency and enhanced compliance to improved service.”

About KeyMark

Since 1996, KeyMark has empowered businesses and government organizations to enhance productivity and reduce manual work through cutting-edge process automation technologies equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. KeyMark is the owner of FileHold Services ULC, CloudCapture, Forms InMotion, and KeyMark Cloud – AI-enabled solutions built on expertise to help organizations across industries and verticals master intelligent capture, document management, and resource management. KeyMark also provides award-winning implementation and lifetime support services for products built by best-in-class vendors, including Hyland Software, UiPath, ABBYY, Tungsten (formerly Kofax) and Blue Prism.

KeyMark is headquartered in Liberty, SC. For more information, call 864-343-0500.
