What's the time to value for Robotic Process Automation?
Every big business investment spurs the same simple question — is it worth it?
With a wide range of use cases, 24/7 operation, and the ability to liberate human workers from manual, tedious, and programmable task, we can assure you with great confidence — RPA is. But the time to value for an RPA project can depend on several factors including:
- Number of processes to automate
- Current number of full-time employees (FTEs)
- How long FTEs spend on processes
- Employee average salary
Calculate your savings
Use the ROI calculator below to determine whether Robotic Process Automation would be a good financial fit for your organization. The calculator below estimates ROI based on what we refer to as one concurrent bot.
RPA ROI Calculator
Visualize your results
Our handy calculator simulates the potential return your organization could realize with an RPA vendor delivered by KeyMark. Keep in mind that with more bots, and more automated tasks, these numbers could show an even larger impact. Once your organization has installed the first digital bot, scaling to multiple bots is easy.
Results Description
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Your Current Cost Per Year to Complete Task(s) w/FTEs
Hours Per Week for Your FTE(s) to Complete Task
Cost Per Week for Your FTE(s) to Complete Task(s)
Total Annual Cost to Implement Bot and Implement Task(s)
Net Return on Investment (ROI)
Annual Accrued ROI
Free Assessment
Let our RPA experts help determine if you are ready to implement Robotic Process Automation. Fill out this brief form and one of our team members will reach out for a short call to learn more about your current needs.

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