This is your RPA journey.
There are four key areas where automation can enhance your operational outcomes. As your expectations evolve, your execution can evolve, too. Our automation services scale to your needs. And, throughout this iterative, problem-solving relationship, we are constantly helping you govern and measure the solution to achieve your business goals.
1. Discover
Automation begins with discovering how your organization works in an ideal state and mapping the appropriate digital worker to achieve it. We leverage AI to mine for new processes or tasks that can benefit from automation based on custom criteria. Then, we capture those tasks for robotic worker deployment.
2. Build
As your digital workers interact across your systems and applications, they use integrations to understand and capture information. As an inherently intelligent component of your workforce, RPA bots scale to your need effortlessly, allowing you to build the appropriate digital workers that best optimize your human workforce.
3. Manage
A robust automation solution includes dynamic management capabilities. From testing an assignment pre-deployment to understanding insights and outcomes, AI-powered management tools empower your human workforce to gain maximum efficiency from their digital counterparts with minimum oversight.
4. Engage
Your automation solution won’t just improve your employees’ lives; it will revolutionize your customer experience as well. As a virtual assistant with limitless capacity and instant access to data, your bots will improve the quality and speed of every interaction. And, with the ability to produce intelligent apps, chatbots, and other outward-facing engagements, your bots will amplify the brand experience your team works tirelessly to create.

Proven Leadership Is The One Thing We Can't Automate
We can help you automate just about anything. We can leverage the technology to bring real value and ROI to your business processes. And, we can help you navigate the pitfalls of poor implementation. But, even the best bots don’t make KeyMark a leader in automation technology. That’s a result of our people, their depth of knowledge, and their relentless pursuit of positive outcomes. It’s a result of our commitment to improving our own processes. It’s the KeyMark Advantage, and it starts with a conversation.
RPA Assessments
A thorough assessment is the foundation of a successful automation solution. Not every process within your organization is an ideal candidate for automation on Day One. Nor do you need every possible automation capability right away. Whether you’re starting fresh in automation or working through an underperforming implementation, let KeyMark’s technology experts help you create a roadmap from zero to hero.