Hyland and Kofax Support

Introducing KeyMark's Gold & Platinum Support Tiers

We’re easy to reach, quick to respond, and here to help

KeyMark’s support philosophy is to ensure your organization has the tools it needs to keep your system running reliably and at peak efficiency. Our highly trained and experienced support engineers help you assess, troubleshoot and resolve any technical issues with your systems, should they arise.

Without proper maintenance, solutions become unstable. Without service, simple problems can escalate to system failure. By leveraging KeyMark support, system downtime is minimized.

– Cameron Boland, Chief Operating Officer

Discover gold and platinum extended support

Our award-winning extended support programs ensure you’re plugged-in with a team of engineers to assist your trained admin with software upgrades, new releases, and patches that don’t interfere with previous configurations or custom work. Explore Gold and Platinum support and keep your system at maximum productivity!



Mon-Fri Support
(excluding holidays)

8:30am – 5:30pm ET

8:30am – 8:30pm ET

Unlimited Email Support

Unlimited Phone and Secure Online Support​

Discounted Attendance for Support Webinars



Dashboards Bundle

Installation and Activation of Licenses

Discounted Full-time Admin

Upgrade Assurance and Assistance*


Remote + Onsite

Annual Health Check

Monthly Case Report

Designated Support Contact​

Steering Committee

Executive Visit

Recertification at Annual Conference

Upgrade Assistance in Test and Production Environments*

Support for Migrations to New Hardware

16 Hours Evaluation Software Assistance

Office Hours

Emergency Add-on Support

KeyMark customers can layer emergency support onto their support package. This option gives customers 24/7/365 support for critical break/fix situations.

View our full support terms and conditions.

Disclaimer: Offerings may change without notice so please consult your KeyMark Account Manager to confirm Support Offering details.

Free Download

Support & Maintenance Overview

Our support overview brochure outlines exactly how we can be expected to react to your needs and issues so that your problems can be addressed as quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively as possible. Click that orange book on the right to learn more!

Download our new Support & Maintenance Overview brochure today!

Don't just take our word for it...

Support Resources

What do you get with KeyMark's support plans.

What’s the Value in KeyMark Support?

Award-winning Extended Support We’ve extensively covered the value in a value-added reseller, and one of the major claims is the addition of implementation, training, and award-winning lifetime support. But what makes KeyMark support “award-winning”, why are our support teams consistently ranked in the highest echelon of partner programs, and —

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Your Kofax AP System Needs a “Tune-Up!”

Like Many Systems, Kofax KTM Requires Maintenance Just as a yard needs regular upkeep, ongoing maintenance on your Kofax accounts-payable invoice solution is strongly encouraged. Because of constant changes to the invoices you receive, your invoice processing is not a “set it and forget it” system, so don’t let it

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Support Series: Contacting KeyMark Support

Even the most fine-tuned software systems have the occasional bump in the road or hiccup, and that’s exactly what customer support was created for. There are no wrong ways to reach out to support, but there are a few steps you can take that will allow you to get the

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