
With the right partner, an intelligent automation solution can shift your organization into modern-day processes and maximize efficiency.

How to Choose an Intelligent Automation Reseller

Digital transformation is happening across all industries as organizations use intelligent automation to shift their processes into modern-day systems. Now more than ever, these organizations are discovering the importance of finding a technology partner that can learn their business and meet all of their needs. A technology reseller is one

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Advanced Crew Management System Blog

Advanced Crew Management System How one southeastern electric cooperative used an advanced crew management system to transform their business: expediting the requesting process, coordinating and tracking lodging, notifying crews of assignments, creating service orders and streamlining the dispatch process. In October 2018, Hurricane Michael left 1.7 million homes and businesses

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Should I Consider Case Management?

Should I Consider Case Management for my Department or Enterprise? Looking for an alternative to using Excel spreadsheets, Access databases or even paper documents (gasp!) to collect and manage data related to a specific process? A case management system can help. If you’re feeling that running your business using spreadsheets

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OnBase Boost on the Blue Prism Digital Exchange

You may have recently heard about KeyMark building three RPA tools to help OnBase users work more efficiently. Indeed, KeyMark was the first company to build something that automates tasks within OnBase using Blue Prism. What you may not know, however, is the origin of why KeyMark pushed so hard

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Support Series: Mount Disk Error

Primer With any kind of software solution, there are times when issues arise that require help from experts. The KeyMark Support Team ensures that organizations have the tools they need to keep their systems running at peak efficiency, helping them assess, troubleshoot and resolve any technical issues they come across.

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South Carolina State House

How South Carolina is Automating State Government

For years, KeyMark has helped South Carolina government agencies automate their processes as a State Contract OnBase vendor. Through this contract, South Carolina state agencies benefit from discounted prices on OnBase, as well as easy purchasing without the requirement of an RFP. Most importantly, these agencies are becoming more efficient

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Cloud-based OCR

Hosting OnBase in the Hyland Cloud

The Hyland Cloud is a world-class hosting platform for OnBase and Hyland’s other content services offerings. It is privately managed by a team of in-house experts and leverages cutting-edge technologies and security-driven policies. This platform gives organizations full functionality of OnBase, but rather than being hosted on-premise, it resides in

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keymark entry hall

5 Things We’re Excited About Right Now

There are always things to be excited about at KeyMark, but right now is an especially good time to look forward to what’s on the horizon. Here are 5 reasons to get excited about the rest of 2019! 1. RPA (Robotic Process Automation) RPA, or Robotic Process Automation, is a

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Utilizing South Carolina’s State OnBase Contract

As a South Carolina State Term Contract vendor, KeyMark can help you leverage the State’s investment in a centralized document management infrastructure with OnBase. Sound complicated? Let us answer some of your questions. What is OnBase? OnBase Software by Hyland is a leading Enterprise Content Management solution that manages content

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OnBase vs. the Instant Pot

The Instant Pot has become one of the most sought-after kitchen gadgets in recent history. It is fundamentally a pressure cooker that  cuts cooking time down from several hours into a matter of minutes. With a little research, I found some recipes that were equivalents to things I make which

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Basic OnBase Database Maintenance for SQL Server

There are as many different ways to use OnBase as there are customers who use it, but there are a few things every OnBase system has in common. The most basic, and the most critical, is the database. Your OnBase database is your backbone How your database functions will directly

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OnBase Scanning Clients – What’s Right for You?

Scanning documents into OnBase is one of the most common methods for archiving. OnBase provides multiple options for Scanning operations: OnBase Client Unity Web Client Disconnected Scanning Express Scanning Front Office Scanning How do you know which Scanning Client is right for you? Here’s a guide to help you decide

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